Exhibition “The Deportations from Bessarabia, times of a sad memory” organized by the National Library of the Republic of Moldova

“The Train of Pain” exhibition was opened on the Grand National Assembly Square, Chisinau with the occasion of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the largest mass deportation of population from the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic (July 6-9, 1949); the exhibition is available to the public from July 6, 2024, between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Dávid Rózsa, Director General of the NSZL on the need for people who can help guide us through the flood of information

In a recent interview Rózsa Dávid, Director General of the National Széchényi Library (NSZL) shared his thoughts on the changing role of libraries, on the challenges of digitisation and on forward-looking technologies for preservation in a world with increasing digital publishing and changing reading habits.

Students of Summer School of the Faculty for Montenegrin Language and Literature visited the National Library of Montenegro

Participants of the Summer School of Montenegrin Language and Culture, accompanied by their professors visited the National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević” on 21 July 2024. These are six students from prestigious American universities, and the program they attend includes, in addition to classes, visits to important Montenegrin institutions.