Author Archives: Kerstin Meinel
#everynamecounts challenge commemorates people stripped of their German citizenship
The German National Library’s German Exile Archive 1933-1945 and the Arolsen Archives are announcing a new #everynamecounts challenge. Volunteers can take part in the crowdsourcing initiative from 4 to 17 November 2024. The aim of the challenge is to digitize the so-called expatriation card file (Ausbürgerungskartei) – and raise awareness of the names and stories of people who were stripped of their German citizenship.
Exhibition “Re-writing the wor(l)d” at the Central National Library of Rome
The Central National Library of Rome is pleased to provide a small exhibition presenting some rare and valuable works such as nautical charts and manuscripts atlases on the occasion of the conference CERL’s International Conference 2024 taking place in the library in October focusing on European printing in non-Latin scripts.
National Library of Moldova: Public discussion “Women Ambassadors of the European Union: Leadership and impact in the community”
The National Library of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the European Institute of Political Studies from Moldova with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova and the Electronic Government Agency (EGA) Estonia organized on Friday, September 27, 2024, the public discussion “Women Ambassadors of the European Union: Leadership and impact in the community”.
Early years of CENL
Bibliotheca astronomica. Astronomical Books in the Collection of the National Library of the Czech Republic
The Bibliotheca astronomica exhibition provides an extraordinary opportunity to get acquainted with rare printed books on astronomical subjects dating back to the first quarter of a millennium after the invention of the printing press.
Read the history of the German National Library online
With ‘Wissensspeicher in der Bundesrepublik’, the third volume on the history of the German National Library is now also freely accessible online.
Gilles Pécout, President of the National Library of France and Vice Chair of CENL visited the Chair Frank Scholze at the German National Library
Dagnija Baltiņa takes up the position of Director of the National Library of Latvia
On 3 September 2024, Dagnija Baltiņa took up the position of Director of the National Library of Latvia (NLL). Previously, Baltiņa was the Director of the Special Collections Department of the National Library of Latvia, a researcher, lecturer at the Latvian Academy of Culture, and former Secretary General of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO.
BANG! The CENL Books and Audiences Network Group invites National Libraries to join in the book exhibition platform.
We encourage national libraries to join the network and contribute to the exchange of practices and approaches, helping to create a shared perspective on modern library exhibitions and the challenges faced by libraries today.