28th September 2023

National and University Library St. Clement of Ohrid Goes Green

Climate change and other harmful impacts, like social inequalities, pose a risk to the environment. Hence, sustainable development is essential for organizations to safeguard the environment, and libraries can facilitate this by being actively involved.

For a library to be considered green and sustainable, it must respect the principles of sustainability in the areas of environment, economy, and society. The National and University Library is taking the initial steps towards becoming a green library by offering eco-conscious and sustainable library services.

As part of our project entitled, In the Film Laboratory of Nature, eight young and promising artists and amateur filmmakers who love the seventh art made two short documentaries in a seven-day workshop between February and September 2023.

The film workshop was realized under the mentorship of the director Borjan Zafirovski and was organized by National and University Library St. Clement of Ohrid Skopje, the Association for Macedonian-German Friendship in partnership with the Goethe-Institut Skopje, Go Green – Be Green, and Europe House Skopje. The workshop began on the library plateau with an eco-caravan and a brief talk on waste selection and concluded with the eco-cinema.

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