Study Days “Robotic conservation sites”

The aims and objectives of the activity

The three project participants are currently carrying out capital projects to build high-rise, robotic, hypoxic storage facilities. The aim of the workshop is for the participants to exchange knowledge, experience and expertise to help tailoring identified solutions to the specific needs of each institution, to help increasing library staff knowledge and skills, and eventually bringing up new and inspiring approaches.

The constraints linked to environmental issues are now unavoidable and fundamental in the design of effective solutions to preserve cultural heritage in libraries. All partners have a strong wish to find practical solutions, through inertia of the building, the absence of air conditioning, building energy self-sufficiency, fire safety and hypoxia.#

The outcomes of the project

These exchange days have enabled cooperation to be established between the teams in charge of building similar projects in France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the Netherlands, ranging from scientific and technical monitoring, to feedback, sharing best practices and plans.

The conference was for instance the opportunity to compare storage facilities among the participating libraries, in terms of capacity but also automation solutions and innovative preservation conditions, to discuss tendering procedures for environmental-friendly capital projects or robotic systems, or the work required and benefits to obtain national or European Green labels. All participants gave an insight into the concrete solutions they are working on, such as the innovative climate simulation model from the KB that could inspire all participants.

Dates of the activity

12-13 June 2023


Welcome by the President and Chief executive

Working session, project presentation by five national libraries

  • Bibliothèque nationale de France Project Team Amiens
  • Koopérative Speicher Bibliothek in Büron, Switzerland, Mike Märki
  • Director Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague Foekje Boersma, Head of the Collection Preservation Department.
  • Hans Jansen, Strategy Adviso
  • The British Library Andy Appleyard, Head of Operations (North)
  • Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek (CH) Damian Elsig, Director Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI.

Working session, transversal discussions, conclusions and perspectives

  • Robotisation (no. of cells, robot, costs, size of bins, trays, density, phasing, choice of roboticist, feedback, etc.) o Construction (energy and environmental performance, quality of life at work)
  • Conservation (the shop: materials, thickness, performance, acoustics, lighting, electromagnetism, temperature/humidity drift, etc.)
  • Back-up plan for collections (in the case of a robotised high-bay shop: back-up space? organisation?)


Koopérative Speicher Bibliothek à Büron, Suisse

Mike Märki, directeur

Koninklijke Bibliotheek, La Haye

Foekje Boersma, Head of the Collection Preservation Department.
Hans Jansen, Strategy Advisor at Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB)

The British Library

Andy Appleyard, The Head of Operations (North)

Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek NB

Damian Elsig, Director Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI, Bundesamt für Kultur BAK

Bibliothèque nationale de France :

Laurence Engel, Présidente de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Kevin Riffaut , Directeur général

Délégation aux relations internationales :

Ophélie Ramonatxo, directrice déléguée aux relations internationales
Bruno Sagna, adjoint à la directrice déléguée aux relations internationales
Hélène Bergès, chargée de missions

Equipe Projet Amiens

Cheng Pei, directeur du projet Amiens
Patrice Ract, adjoint au directeur
Nadia Perigaud, responsable administrative, architecturale et fonctionnelle
Sofiane Elkhou, responsable des opérations
Géraldine Peoc’h, responsable collections : chargée de la préparation des collections
Fabien Aguglia, responsable collections : chargé d’implantation et de transfert des collections
Michel Garrec, chargé de chantiers informatiques et d’implantation des collections
Arnaud Duplessis : chargé de magasinage et de transfert des collections

Comité de suivi du Projet Amiens

Direction des collections :

Sylvie Carreau, chef de service de la Coordination et des ressources
Laurence Gramondi, coordinateur de la conservation et de la reproduction
Julie Ladant, directrice du département Droit, Economie, Politique

Direction des Services et des réseaux :

Olivier Piffault, directeur du département de la conservation
Philippe Vallas, adjoint au Directeur du département de la conservation (mardi)
Annie Bonnaud, chargée de mission IGDC pour le DSC
Adote Chilloh, adjoint au directeur du département des Systèmes d’information

Direction de l’Administration et du personnel

Stéphane Alcandre, directeur du département des affaires juridiques et de la commande publique
Eric Melet, département des Moyens techniques, Chef du service support maintenance et supervision
Marie-Hélène Koenig, Conseillère de prévention


Journée étude121306-fusionné
