29th May 2020

CENL Libraries’ online collections

We understand that at this especially difficult period, our National Libraries’ readers in particular do not have access to the usual facilities provided. Therefore, we have collated a CENL list of their online resources. This will allow our readers to access the wonderful content provided, within the comforts of their home, no matter their location.




Digital Library Albanology, which contains rare collections of the National Library of Albania, such as books, antiques, manuscripts, maps and periodicals of XV-XIX centuries in Albanian language and in other languages: http://www.bksh.al/gsdl/cgi-bin/library.exe


Digital resources: http://www.nla.am/arm/?q=hy/node/3 


List of all digital resources including ÖNB Digital, Austrian Newspapers Online and the “Beethoven Digital” portal where you will find the entire Beethoven collection from the collections of the Austrian National Library.


Digital collections: http://anl.az/new/az/pages/79


List of all the digital collections including the Bruegel collection, rare books, music and much more.

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Digital collections are available here including digitised manuscripts, maps and much more.


Digital library: http://www.nationallibrary.bg/wp/?page_id=1444&lang=en


Digital collections all available here including works of Croatian children’s literature, the botanical collections and much more. 

You can also take a virtual tour of the library here: http://www.nsk.hr/wp-content/themes/nk/vs/index.htm


Digital platform: http://www.cyprusdigitallibrary.org.cy/

Czech Republic

Digital collections: http://kramerius-vs.nkp.cz/ 

Manuscriptorium – http://www.manuscriptorium.eu for mansucripts and old printed materials (almost 116,000 bound volumes)

Kramerius – http://kramerius4.nkp.cz for modern books published after 1800 and for periodicals (205,517 books and almost 3,925 titles of periodicals)


All digital resources are listed here including teaching materials for children, podcasts, the advertising catalogues from the large Danish department stores and much more!


Discover the digitised materials, the digitised newspapers and magazines and visit the search portal of the National Library of Estonia. 


The digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi service provides access to Finnish digitised newspapers, journals and periodicals as well as ephemera. 

Doria – www.doria.fi – is a public repository maintained by the National Library of Finland and containing resources produced by several organisations.


All the online resources of the BnF are listed here including a virtual exhibition on ‘Fantasy’, podcasts and videos of all the conferences held at the BnF.



Digital Library and Collections: https://www.nplg.gov.ge/eng/Digital_Library gives access to complete texts in electronic format, via several projects:

Digital Library Iverieli offers the users digital versions of the books, journals, newspapers, sheet music, audio materials, photographs and copies of rare books, dissertations and theses;

Merab Mamardashvili Digital Library (digitised works of Georgian classical literature, civic education, economics, law etc); Electronic Archive of Georgian Press (Georgian newspapers); Digital Photokhronicle (digitised previously unknown public photos kept in families or institutions throughout Georgia); Moodstanza (19th & 20th C Georgian poetry on an Android app).


Online materials available via the catalogue: https://portal.dnb.de/opac.htm?method=showSearchForm

Virtual exhibitions:

5,000 Years of Media History Online


Exile. Experience and Testimony


Arts in Exile



Electronic catalogue, with option to search for ‘electronic’ format materials:



Remote access to library-subscribed databases is provided for registered readers.

Digital Library at http://www.oszk.hu/en/digital_library includes:

Hungarian electronic Library website: http://mek.oszk.hu/indexeng.phtml

Electronic Periodicals Archive and Database: http://epa.oszk.hu/html/aboutus.html

Digital Archive of Pictures: http://keptar.oszk.hu/html/bemutataseng.html

Bibliotheca Corviniana Digitalis: http://www.corvina.oszk.hu/


The National Library of Iceland: “digital reproduction, databases and informative websites“. A portal for separately digitized formats (Baekur for books, Timarit for newspapers and journals, etc.)

Library offers web chat service (from 8:15 – 16:00 Mon – Fri) via landsbokasafn.is

E-resources available: https://landsbokasafn.is/index.php?page=e-resources 


The National Library of Ireland’s online catalogue has more than 125,000 items digitised and freely available. Discover their digital collections here and visit their online exhibitions here including a digital exhibition on the life and works of William Butler Yeats.

Italy (Florence)

Digital collections: https://www.bncf.firenze.sbn.it/pagina.php?id=35 

Italy (Rome)

Digital collections: http://digitale.bnc.roma.sbn.it/tecadigitale/ 


Digitized books and periodicals collections – in open access until 12 May: https://www.lnb.lv/en/digitized-books-and-periodicals-collections-open-access-until-12-may


Catalogue: http://aleph.bibliothek.li/F?RN=659907301

eLiechtensteinensia: http://www.eliechtensteinensia.li/ 

Digitale Bibliothek Ostschweiz: https://dibiost.onleihe.com/dibiost/frontend/welcome,51-0-0-100-0-0-1-0-0-0-0.html


Interactive Library www.ibiblioteka.lt

Subscribed resources: https://www.lnb.lt/atradimai/duomenu-bazes/uzsienio 

The virtual cultural heritage: www.epaveldas.lt

Ordering of the reader‘s card: www.ibiblioteka.lt


Page outlining online offerings and how to access them: https://bnl.public.lu/fr/actualites/articles-actualites/2020/covid_19_conseilslecture.html

Digital resources: https://bnl.public.lu/fr/rechercher/collections/fonds-numeriques.html

accessible via the www.az.lu search engine.


Digital Library of Macedonia


View and read the Library’s digitised material on DigiVault: http://www.digivault.maltalibraries.gov.mt/

eBooks Service: https://maltalibraries.overdrive.com/


Digital Catalogue: http://www.moldavica.bnrm.md/


National Library of Montenegro e-Catalogue:


Digital Library of Montenegro


Online services Delpher, DBNL and KB-catalogue are available.

Online Library: http://www.onlinebibliotheek.nl/  (25,000 ebooks available)


Extra provision of e-books.

Digital collections and services, https://www.nb.no/en/forskning/digital-humanities-laboratory/

including Bokhylla (The Bookshelf): https://www.nb.no/en/forskning/digital-humanities-laboratory/#panel-1-0 for users with a Norwegian IP address – access to every book published throughout the history of Norway. Users without a Norwegian IP address can apply for access for specific purposes, primarily research, education and professional translation. 


Digital library: https://polona.pl/ 


Digital collections: http://bndigital.bnportugal.gov.pt/explorar-colecoes/


National Digital Library: http://digitool.bibnat.ro/R

Russian State Library 

Free access to many online resources: https://www.rsl.ru/ru/events/afisha/readers-help-events/dostup-k-vedushhim-mirovyim-onlajn-resursam-dlya-chitatelej-rgb

Online catalogues: https://www.rsl.ru/ru/4readers/catalogues/ 

Russia – National Library of Russia

Access to online materials via catalogues and Digital Library.

Virtual exhibitions: http://expositions.nlr.ru/

Russia – Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library

The Presidential Library is a repository of digital material – use main portal https://www.prlib.ru/

Collections: https://www.prlib.ru/collections

Catalogue: https://www.prlib.ru/catalog


Digital Library: https://digitalna.nb.rs/

Online catalogue: https://www.nb.rs/pages/article_link.php?id=109


Electronic Information Resources, remote access: http://www.snk.sk/en/collections-sources/electronic-information-resources/eir-remote-access.html linking to several online resources, e.g.: 

Digital Catalogue: http://dikda.snk.sk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do

Online Catalogue: https://chamo.kis3g.sk/search/query?theme=snk 

Slovakiana: https://www.slovakiana.sk/  etc.


Digital library (books, periodicals, manuscripts etc): https://www.dlib.si/?&language=eng 

Highlights, digital library of Slovenia: https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/eng/node/139


General Catalogue: http://catalogo.bne.es/

Digital Hispanic Library: http://www.bne.es/es/Catalogos/BibliotecaDigitalHispanica/Inicio/

Digital Newspaper Library: http://www.bne.es/es/Catalogos/HemerotecaDigital/

Web archive: http://www.dl-e.es/openwayback/wayback/


Several collections / catalogues available digitally (remotely): https://www.kb.se/in-english/loans-and-services/search-the-collections.html including the national union catalogue; music catalogue; film archive; research publications etc…


Find all the digital collections of the National Library of Switzerland here including the digitally born collections and the digitised collections.


Digital collections: http://www.mkutup.gov.tr/tr/Sayfalar/E-Veri-Tabanlari/default.aspx


Covid-19 Collection Guide: https://www.bl.uk/collection-guides/coronavirus-covid-19-online-information 

Digital collections: https://www.bl.uk/catalogues-and-collections/digital-collections 

Digital learning resources: https://www.bl.uk/learning 

Children books: https://www.bl.uk/childrens-books 

Podcasts: https://www.bl.uk/podcasts 


Go on a virtual tour of the National Library of Ukraine: http://nbuv.gov.ua/node/492 

Explore the electronic resources: http://nbuv.gov.ua/e-resources/


Digital collections: https://digi.vatlib.it 


If we’ve missed something, please send us your digital updates so we can add them to the list: cenl@bl.uk


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