Visit to the National and University Library Slovenia

The aims and objectives of the project

Aims and objectives are

  • to make updates to the cooperation agreement between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • to exchange books, journals, newspapers, electronic publications and other library material published in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the interest of cultural heritage,
  • to discuss potential future exhibitions featuring materials from the Libraries,
  • to exchange of professional, scientific, bibliographic and other personal publications, and to discuss collaboration in mutual projects and
  • to exchange news in the field of librarianship and exchange of experience in professional processes.

Dates of visit

8-11 December 2022.

The outcomes of the project

 For the time being, most important outcome of the project is exchange of the books between two libraries. Funds of the National and University Library Slovenia are richer for the titles: Sarajevo throughout the history : from a Neolithic settlement to a metropolis and years of urbicide and National treasure of Bosnia and Herzegovina : exhibition of Written Cultural Heritage from the Special Collections of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina. National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina has received a special edition of the Library, published in honour of Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, book entitled Zdravljica by France Prešeren, famous Slovenian writer.

Mr. Viljem Leban, director of the National and University Library Slovenia and Dr. Ovčina, director of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Quotes from participants

Dr. Ovčina: It was my pleasure to be a guest for a while in the National and University Library of Slovenia

Also, it was worth sharing our knowledge and experience with colleagues from Slovenia and it is important to continue with our professional ties as well with our friendly relations. We are happy and proud to have these kinds of relations with all colleagues in our Region and beyond, due to help of CENL.

Mrs. Helena Janežič and Dr. Ovčina

Web links
