During 17-21 September 2018, two representatives of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova – Prime Vice-Director Aliona Tostogan and main Specialist of Institutional Development Section Mariana Kiriakov visited the National Library of Latvia. During the professional exchange visit they signed an Agreement of collaboration and undertook professional bench marking. The Moldavian delegation studied the new equipment used by visual impaired people, equipment in the Collection Preservation Centre, Digitization Centre, the work of Competence Centre and Letonica and Baltic Centre, and discussed international collaboration in several areas.

Dzintra Mukane, Executive Director of the National Library of Latvia, has underlined that the experience of Latvia can be of great help to Moldavian colleagues. In order to study the national library system, the Moldavian delegation had visited the Library of Academic Centre of Natural Sciences (University of Latvia) and Riga Central Library.

Since the time of professional study visit was quite short, the specialists of NL of Moldova will continue the discussion with the colleagues from the National Library of Latvia and will initiate a series of other events. The two libraries are planning further communication in numerous areas: between the directors; with the Competence Centre which are ready to provide courses for Moldavian librarians; with the Collection Preservation Centre which is preparing conservators; and sharing the possibilities for seeking for financial support within different international funds. Riga Central Library will further develop the possibility of organising a Latvian photo exhibition at the National Library of Republic of Moldova and participating in professional events of the National Library during 2019.
