Study Visit to the National Library of France

The aims and objectives of the project

The visit aimed to present the project for recovering the disorganized collections of the National Library, with a focus on improving the procedures and activities carried out within the project. Identifying potential partners for future developments, as well as understanding processes related to conservation, restoration, and bibliological planning, were also objectives of this visit.

Dates of the visit

23/11/2024  – 01/12/2024


Following the agenda proposed by the BnF’s Department of Conservation, I engaged in the following visits and activities:

  • Visited the main headquarters of the BnF, François-Mitterrand site: Department of Conservation and conservation laboratory.
  • Presented the “National Memory” project and held a discussion with the conservation laboratory about the tools and activities used in the project’s implementation.
  • Attended the conference Détruire le livre as part of the Les Ateliers du Livre series. https://www.bnf.fr/fr/agenda/detruire-le-livre

Speakers: Malcolm Walsby, (professeur d’histoire du livre, directeur du Centre Gabriel Naudé (Enssib / Université de Lyon), Eddy Noblet, conservateur des bibliothèques, Marie Cornu, directrice de recherches CNRS, Institut des sciences Sociales du Politique (UMR 7220, ENS Paris Saclay, Université Paris Nanterre), Nola Normand, responsable de la commission Développement durable de Bib92, Isabelle Duquenne, inspectrice générale de l’Éducation, du Sport et de la Recherche (IGÉSR), Collège Bibliothèques, Documentation, Livre et Lecture publique, Céline Allain, coordinatrice du Plan pour la sauvegarde des collections, département de la Conservation (BnF), Jocelyne Deschaux, conservatrice générale des bibliothèques et directrice de Médiad’Oc, responsable de la cellule formation du Bouclier bleu France.

  • Visited the Department of Restoration.
  • Toured the conservation center at the Bussy-Saint-Georges site: laboratory and storage facilities.
  • Visited the Richelieu site and the Maps Department: overview of collections and organizational structure.
  • Toured the Opera Garnier headquarters and participated in the setup of the exhibition “Treasures of the Seine”—focusing on conservation aspects of the displayed objects.
  • Participated in a workshop on the emergency plan at the François-Mitterrand site.

The outcomes of the project

The visit to the conservation service led to the outline of an improvement plan through the implementation and modification of certain actions within the project. BnF specialists shared current practices in book conservation and restoration, as well as the necessary documentation for better training of librarians from the National Library of Romania. Additionally, potential collaborations were discussed to invite French specialists to Romania for organizing conservation workshops.

Quotes from participants

Simona Noapteș, librarian:

„The visit to the National Library of France was for me the most significant professional experience so far. I discovered solutions for continuing the project of the National Library of Romania and met professionals and book enthusiasts with a broad perspective on the field of heritage conservation. Visiting major libraries in Europe should become a standard practice for the training of all librarians, especially those from libraries in the former Eastern Bloc, libraries which are still affected by the historical traumas these institutions have endured.”

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